2024.  Research grant, Adagp
2023.  Ekprhasis Grant, Adagp. Critic: Ingrid Luquet-Gad
2021.  CULTURES CONNECTEES, Drac and La Région Nouvelle Aquitaine, France
2020.  Secours exceptionnel, Grant, CNAP, France
idem.  AIA, Drac Nouvelle-Aquitaine, France
2013.  EXPLORA SUP, Annecy, France


2024.  European Cultural Programme, Hibridalab, Vitoria-Gazteiz, Spain
2024.  ART,TECHNOLOGY,SCIENCE & SOCIAL, Tabakalera San Sebastian, Spain
2022.  Kapelica residency, EMAP/EMARE Ljubljana, Slovenia
2021.  BONFIRE residency, online
2019.  MAHAIA residency, Centro Huarte, Spain
2018.  IEPA #3 residency, NekatoEnea and Basis e.V, Frankfurt Am Main, Germany
2017.  Summer Camp residency, Basillac, France
2016.  Yöp workshop, Ametzondo Mall, Partnership with Ikea, Bayonne, France
2014.  les Ateliers de la Communale, workshop, since December 2014-2016 Bidart, France
idem.  La Envidia , September 29 to November 21, Valencia, Spain


2024.   Primavera Primavera, MECA Frac-Aquitaine, Bordeaux, France
2024.   I Told you it's alive, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2023.   Da fest, Sofia, Bulgaria
2023.   I Told you it's alive, Kapelica Gallery, Ljubljana, Slovenia
2023.   Who Owns the Truth?, Ars Electronica, Linz, Austria
2023.   Natura Bio-Robotica, Gruppo 78, Trieste, Italia
2023.   Fungible Content, Wro Biennale, Wroclaw, Poland
2021.  XxCryptoxX, Futur Now, Setsetset, London, UK
2021. 人工水, MEM,Bilbao, Spain
2021. 人工水, «Apparatus», StationV, Bayonne, France
2021.  Bonfire Exhibtion online
2020.  #Mahaia2020, Atalante, Sala Rekalde, Polvorin, Bayonne, Bilbao, Pampelune, France, Spain
2019.  Cayolar #0, Ass’ Trame-E, Vallée d’Aspe, France
2017.  UNE COMMUNAUTE SANS TETE, Summer Camp Residency, Bassilac, France
2017.  MONTH OF THE YOUNG CREATION, Yöp workshop, Coop Association, Bayonne, France
2016.  LE JARDIN DES ARTEFACTS, Apollo Festival, December, Boucau, France
2016.  Art Al Vent XIII, Gata de Gorgos, Spain
2016.  CACHET DE LA POSTE FAISANT FOI, Hippocrene Foundation,January, Paris, France
2015.  J’AI MAL, J’AI PEUR, Vivoequidem Gallery, Paris, France
2015.  LE KABINET DU LIVRE #2, The Kabinet Gallery, Bruxelles, Belgium


2019.  STADT.XML, January and March, IEPA #3, Basis e.v and E.S.A.P.B, Frankfurt Am Main, Bayonne, Germany and France
2019.  DUMB THINGS, Second Jeudi Gallery, Bayonne, France
2019.  STYRODURODROME, La Centrifugeuse, Pau, France
2019.   TRAMES: Academic library, Campus de la Nive, Bayonne, France
2014.  DULCES. La Envidia, Valencia, Spain
2013.  AH TU T’ES ENCORE ECLIPSE?, Kasual Friday, Bitamine Faktoria, Irun, Spain
2010.  SURVIVAL TURTLE CARAPACE, Museum of the Sea, Biarritz, France


2023.. Pyrocumulus. Ecology of Pyrocene. SYMBIOSIS. ISEA2023. May 18th, Paris, France
2022. Pyrocumulus. Speculation with augmented reality about trees’ network, Digital Ecologies in practice, Universiy of Bonn, 29/07/22, Bonn, Germany
2021. Between ecological realities, scientific realities and technological realities: Water as an alive source for Imagination, Renewable Futures, FeLT, University of Oslo, 11/04/21, Oslo, Norway
2021.  STADT.XML, ARTE & CIENCIA, Jornada Internacional en Arte Sostenible, Universidad Complutense, Madrid, Spain
2021. Deepfake et artistes, une recherche intuitive et esthétique, la sémiologie au défi des deepfakes, Bordeaux 3, Bordeaux, France
2018.  Piratear su cerebro, Hacking the System, AKME, 12/13/2018, UPV/EHU, Bilbao, Spain


2024.   Pyrocumulus. Ecologie du Pyrocène. The Book Edition. N° ISBN : 9791041556069
2024.   "Pyrocumulus. Ecologie du Pyrocène" art : moteur de recherche. eds extenseibles
2022.  Avec Ludovic Chatenet. «Des algorithmes dans l’art. Entretien avec Alizée Armet. Interfaces numériques» 11(2). https://www.unilim.fr/interfaces- numeriques/4827
2022.  «Art du monde technologique Écrire du sensible avec et par les 'data'». AusArt 10 (1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.23522
2020.  « Les écoles d’art en France: Un enseignement artistique en changement ». Arte y/en/desde la Universidad. AusArte 8(1). https://doi.org/10.1387/ausart.21519
2019.  IEPA #3, exhibition book, Basis e.v and NekatoEnea
2014.  Partir pour Okapulco, artist’s book,http://www.bsad.eu/opac//index.php?lvl=author_see&id=12900
2014.  Kasual Friday, exhibition book 2013-2014, Bitamine Faktoria
2015.  Séjour Intergalactique Wild Child Editions
2010.  L’île des faisans, exhibtions book, Esa des Rocailles


2021.   Ph.D, dpt Arte, tecnologia y esculptura, Investigacion de arte contemporaneo, Upv-Ehu, Leioa, Spain
2015.  Master class. ESA des rocialles, Biarritz, France
2014.  DNSEP avec mention, ESAAA, Annecy, France
2012.  DNAP option Arts industriels avec mention, ESA des rocailles, Biarritz, France


Artist researcher

Alizée Armet (1991, Bayonne) lives and works between Bilbao (Spain) and Bayonne (France). Her contact is alizee.armet@hotmail.fr and her website http://alizeearmet.com.

She get a Ph.D in 2021 at the Universidad del Pais Vasco in Leioa (Upv-Ehu, Spain), on the subject of Art et Technologie au XXIeme siècle. De la machine de vision à l’intelligence artificielle (Art and Technology in 21st century. From the vision machine to the artificial intelligence). Her artistic works have been presented at various exhibitions. Stadt.xml, Basis e.V, Frankfurt Am Main, Germany (2019); Festival MEM, Bilbao, Spain (2021); Futur Now, Setsetsetset Gallery, London, UK (2021). She received in 2021 a grant for the Drac Nouvelle Aquitaine the “Aide Individuelle à l’Achat” to transform her worshop into a maker space. Armet has also had the opportunity to participate in several international residencies as with IEPA#3, (23 May, 2018 until 23 July 2018) residency exchange with Basis ev, Frankfurt-Am-Main, (Germany) and Nekatoenea, Hendaye,(France); Mahaia residency, (11th December 2019 until 11th January 2020) Centro Huarte, Huarte, (Spain). She participed to lectures: “Between ecological realities, scientific realities and technological realities: Water as an alive source for Imagination'', (11th March, 2021), Renewable Futures, FeLT, University of Oslo, Norway; « la participation de l’art dans les deepfakes: entre instrumentalisation et réfléxivité », Comment les images nous mentent, la sémiotique au défi du Deep Fake, (27th May, 2021 until 28th May,2021), SEMDI, Bordeaux 3, France; "Stadt.xml”, (15th December,2021 until 16th December, 2021), Jornada International Arte Sostenbile, Universidad Computense, Madrid, Spain.

She writes a paper: “Les écoles d’art en France: Un enseignement artistique en changement”, Arte y/en desde la Universidad, Ausart (2020).

. In 2021, she creates a maker - art workshop “P’tits bugs” to young public. In the interest of learning creativity with technology.

Video interview with the artist about her practise: https://www.sudouest.fr/lachainetv7/culture/cultivons-la-decouverte/

Artist’s statement

As an artist-researcher, she’s a new media artist and a creative coder. Her line of research tries to create a conversation between art and science. Born from digital materials and with the birth of the Internet, her artistic research questions the ontology and the uses we make of Internet ; Currently, she’s working on the repercussions of smart machines in artistic practice. Demystifying the myth of singularity her practice integrates computers, 3D printing objects, digital impression and some ‘‘living materials’’ (plants, bacteria etc.) as part of the installation and deals with the creative and innovative context of the 21st century in doing so to clarify the complexity of technology.

Her works sensitizes a philosophical, aesthetic, biological and anthropological vision. She intends to create a new ontology in reaction to the automatic production of machines: what is the consumerism of images and what is the living. Her main research themes are the creative possibilities of machines, devices, humans and/or artists. Inspired by the way Machine Learning, software with A.I, she invents speculative machines to experiment with possibilities. She wishes to question our attachment to the ecosystem, while projecting possible scenarios ; she criticizes the Cartesian separation between nature and culture. Her practice attempts to "deencode" the codes and implications of the computational society. With Stadt.xml, (2019) she propose a device mixing a neuroscience headset and a virtual headset where it is possible to interact with a digital scene from Frankfurt (Germany). Or with 人工水 (2021) she invents and creates a speculative machine which can control the flux to watering plants with automatic systems.

Based on scientific methods and artistic inspiration, she regularly collaborates with scientists, engineers to create and think about her installations. As for Stadt.xml, she collaborates with INRIA neuroscience department and for an actual art research in progress Pyrocumulus (2022) granted by the “Région Nouvelle Aquitaine”, with Estia, Engineers school in Bidart (France). In 2018, she founded a research group called NEUROBIOCART that she tries to investigate the aesthetic impact of networks (neural networks, artificial networks, etc.).



Stylo 3D, 2019


Photogrammetrie, 2019


Le Jeu de la boucle




BD Sonore
